Bunch of useful Linux one-liners inspired by this sed file.
# public IP
curl ifconfig.me
wget -O- -q icanhazip.com
# serve current directory using simple HTTP server on port 8000
python -m http.server 8000 # Python 3
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000 # Python 2
# progressive JPEG with 92% quality
magick lenna.tif -interlace Line -quality 92 lenna_progressive_q92.jpg
# convert JPEG into progressive JPEG (lossless)
jpegtran -progressive -copy all lenna_full.jpg > lenna_full_progressive.jpg
# read JPEG comment
rdjpgcom lenna_full.jpg
# write JPEG comment
wrjpgcom -c "Lorem ipsum" image.jpg > comment.jpg
# read Exif data
exiftool lenna_full.jpg
# add Exif metadata tag
exiftool -artist="rad" exif.jpg
# create MP3 from WAV
lame -V4 song.wav song.mp3
# AAC -> WAV
faad input.aac
# info about audio/video file
mediainfo movie.avi